Address Whitelist
Whitelisted addresses bypass quotas you set through the Loopring Smart Wallet
Prerequisite: To whitelist an address you must first trust the contact and set a Daily Quota (Profile -> Settings -> Security -> Daily Quota). This a feature of the L1 Smart Wallet. You will need to activate this portion in order to perform this function.
A whitelisted address is a contact that you have identified as trusted. Once the contact is trusted, token transfers to them are exempt from your Daily Quota limit. Adding or deleting an address requires the approval of more than half of your Loopring Smart Wallet Guardians and the owner.
Whitelisting an address takes effect within 24 hours after approval. However, deleting a whitelisted address is immediate. You will need to add addresses as Contacts within your wallet before they can be marked as trusted. Use the steps below to set up trust for an Ethereum address. You can skip to Step 4 if the address you want to whitelist is already a contact.
1. Tap the Gear icon -> Manage Current Wallet -> Contacts then tap the + symbol on the top right corner
2. Paste the Ethereum address you want to whitelist
You can also use the QR code located on the right side to scan the Ethereum address you want to use.
3. Choose contact name and select Add
4. Select a contact from the list
5. Tap the Add Trust button
6. Click the Add Trust button when asked to confirm your trust in the contact
You can also change the method of payment here.
This is an L1 transaction but you can still use your L2 tokens if you have your Fee Preferences set to use L2 tokens. You can change your Fee Preference settings by going to: Profile > Settings > Fee Preference
7. Enter your password when prompted
8. It will take at least 24 hours to successfully whitelist the address
Last updated